Ike Lasater, J.D., MCP, Author, Mediator, Trainer, and Speaker, helps organizations and individuals develop the capacity to more effectively collaborate to clarify their objectives, and then to achieve them. He also acts as a private mediator, facilitating conversations and connection among people in conflict. 

A former civil trial attorney, Lasater co-founded a 20-person law firm, litigating complex, multi-party commercial and environmental cases for 20 years in the state and federal courts of California. He received a Masters in City Planning from UC Berkeley studying global energy policy. Lasater trained extensively with psychologist Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D., founder of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) for over a decade, he grew to see that conflict can be an opportunity for connection, and shifted his focus from law to training. NVC’s approach was congruent with his values, developed through long-term practices of Zen meditation, yoga (he co-founded The Yoga Journal in 1975), and aikido. 

Lasater and colleague John Kinyon co-developed a yearlong immersion training program that is now offered in five countries. 

His books include:

Lasater has served on the boards of the Center for Nonviolent Communication the Association for Dispute Resolution of Northern California, the California Yoga Teachers Association, The Lawyers Club of San Francisco, the Yale Humanist Community, and on the mediation panel for the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. 

He has been a guest speaker at Fontys University of Applied Sciences and The HAN University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands, The University of California, Berkeley, and The Yale School of Management. Lasater has facilitated workshops in more than 20 countries in North and South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, and Asia, for such groups as the Dongfeng Nissan car manufacturing plant in Guangzhou, China, BNI in South Korea (with participants from Hyundai and Samsung), Decathlon in Italy, Glynwood in Cold Spring, New York, and in Cleveland, Ohio, the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, The Center for Principled Family Advocacy and The Mediation Association of Northeast Ohio. His mediations include large-scale projects with the University of California, Santa Cruz involving 100 administrative leaders, and a departmental faculty at the University of California, Los Angeles.

In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, in early 2002, Lasater and his Mediate Your Life co-founder John Kinyon traveled to Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan to offer conflict resolution skills training to elder leaders. And with colleagues at Ayeish, in Spring 2016, he worked with Syrian political opposition leaders of the Etilaf National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces in Istanbul to offer tools for connection and communication in the midst of intense conflict and negotiation.

To read more about Ike and his work, visit https://ikelasater.com/