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Meet Your Instructors
Watch Exercises in Action with Colleagues from Around the World

Founder and Instructor
Ike Lasater
Growing up in Texas where “honor culture” demanded that conflicts were resolved with force, Ike later learned that there is a better way to not only get the outcome you want but also resolve the conflict. From his professional experiences as a Civil trial Attorney, co-founder of “The Yoga Journal,”, Ike Lasater, J.D., MCP, Author, Mediator, Trainer, and Speaker, developed the communication methodology to help organizations and individuals to clarify their objectives and achieve them.

Demonstration Partner
Ke Yan 可妍 (China)
Founder of Satir Training School in Kunming, China
CNVC Trainer (candidate
Master of Commerce, The University of Queensland
Master of Business Administration, Beijing International Studies University
Level 2 national psychological therapist
Senior trainer of Yunnan Satir Center
Head of Satir Cultural and Art Training school
Founder of Ziyu Life
Candidate of CNVC trainer
Translator for CNVC trainer

Demonstration Partner
Anna Mills (Poland)
Ania has been incorporating NVC into her everyday life since it was first introduced into Poland, with her help, in 2001. An NVC trainer since 2003, Ania became a CNVC Certified Trainer in 2008. In addition to co-facilitating the Poland NVC Mediation Immersion Program with Ike Lasater, she has led or coled trainings in NVC and NVC Mediation in Germany, Greece, Korea, and Australia. Ania also works with groups and couples and has facilitated workshops for the education sector, government organizations, NGOs, and businesses (Citibank, ING Bank, Nokia Siemens):
Ukończyłam 2-letni kurs nauczycielski MBSR prowadzony przez The Institute for Mindfulness-Based Approaches.
Medytacją zajmuję się od kilkunastu lat. Jestem absolwentką Podyplomowego Studium Trenerów Grupowych w Szkole Wyższej Psychologii Społecznej w Warszawie oraz Filologii Angielskiej na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Poza kursami uważności prowadzę szkolenia z komunikacji, rozwiązywania konfliktów i mediacji. Jestem certyfikowaną trenerką Porozumienia Bez Przemocy (NVC) i założycielką Akademii NVC.

Demonstration Partner
Giovanna Castoldi (Italy)
Dialogue Facilitation and Dialogical System Design
Member of Center for Nonviolent Communication
I am involved in spreading the empathic relationship skills of the CNV in Italy and abroad, with a particular specialization in communication skills in the contexts of tension and conflict.
I help individuals, couples and families, as well as professionals and business organizations (Decathlon, Engie, Unicredit Banca, Kiabi) and school (ANP - National Association of Senior Managers of the School) learn new relationship and communication skills, as well we Empathic Intelligence and Assertiveness.
Trainer Certificata CNV dal centro internazionale per la Comunicazione Nonviolenta (
Sono impegnata nella diffusione in Italia e all’estero delle abilità di relazione empatica della CNV, con particolare specializzazione sulle abilità di comunicazione in contesti di tensione e conflitto.
Accompagno singoli, coppie e famiglie, professionisti e organizzazioni aziendali (Decathlon, Engie, Unicredit Banca, Kiabi) e scolastiche (ANP – Associazione Nazionale Alti Dirigenti della Scuola) nell’apprendimento delle nuove competenze di relazione e comunicazione e nello sviluppo dell’Intelligenza Empatica e dell’Assertività.

Demonstration Partner
John Kinyon (US)
Co-creator/founder, Mediate Your Life International Training Program,
Certified Trainer of the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC)
M.S. Clinical Psychology
John Kinyon has devoted his life and career to furthering human connection and cooperation around the world through empathic communication. He is a trainer, coach, mediator, speaker, and author dedicated to sharing the skills, practices, and structures of empathy and mindfulness in conversation as part of health and wellness. John is the co-creator of the international Mediate Your Life Training Program, based in the work of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), and has brought the training to people throughout the U.S. and in counties around the world (Australia, South America, Europe, Asia). John’s mentor was NVC founder Marshall Rosenberg. For almost two decades John has been a leader in the global NVC community and worked closely with Marshall for over a decade. John is a co-founder of the Bay Area NVC organization (BayNVC), and has been a certified trainer of the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) since 2000. He facilitates an online community and offers online and in-person training workshops, courses, and programs.

Demonstration Partner
Anthony Jack (UK-US)
Anthony, originally from the UK and now based in the US, has lived and worked around the world. He holds a Masters in Peace and Conflict Studies and was introduced to Nonviolent Communication through an intensive training given by Marshall Rosenberg. During his Master’s, he was also trained in, among other areas, Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means and Conflict Free Conflict Resolution. In his professional life, Anthony has worked as a teacher, researcher, trainer, and project manager. He is most recently the founder of his own company, Peaceful Means, which has since its launch has co-led yearlong youth training focusing on restorative circles and NVC and given a training on Nonviolent self-de-escalation for local community leaders and professionals.

Demonstration Partner
Christiaan Zandt (Netherlands)
Christiaan lives in the north of The Netherlands with his wife and two sons, two cats, three chicken, and a rabbit. He likes to bring wonder, play, and creativity to human connections. From his long time practice of the martial way of Aikido came his interest in nonviolence, and this has sparked his ongoing practice of Nonviolent Communication (NVC). Currently, he is working as a facilitator, NVC-trainer, and mediator, mainly with teams in organizations. His intention for the coming years is to study embodied ways of dealing with trauma, to write about children and cancer, and to play with people like you.

Demonstration Partner
Yonmi Lee 이연미 (South Korea)